Francis Stories
A clean design with the finest all-natural fibres and with the best craftsmanship, Francis Stories creates woollen garments that endure through out the cyclicity of the seasons and that stand out for their extremely soft and comfortable touch and for the elegant.
Striving for high quality, the brand also commits to producing in an ethical and sustainable way, respecting and celebrating both Nature and the lives of those who contribute to each garment made.
Francis Stories proactively promotes a longer usable lifecycle for their garments – through the long-lasting quality of designs and materials –, reducing thus the pace at which new raw materials are required and the pace at which outputs of the process are generated, leaving more time for Nature to regenerate.
The brand advocates the use of only natural products, mainly wools – which are biodegradable – and metals – which, although not being biodegradable, occur naturally in Nature ; staying away from synthetic materials, since these are neither natural nor biodegradable.
The brand also works towards having a whole production process developed in a respectful way towards all its intervenients. Instead of sending the production to some far-off location to bring down costs, Francis Stories chose to concentrate it within Europe and, as much as possible, around them, so that they can easily ensure, in person, that the workers have access to fair working conditions that can sustain a dignified and honorable life.
Animal welfare - locally made - wool from Italy - traceable - biodegradable - APEO/NPEO free
You can return your item within 14 days after delivery.
We can organize the pick up of the return item for a 15€ (EU) or 20€ (non-EU) shipping fee. If you are in the EU, you can return your item with your preferred courier. If you are outside the EU, returns must be processed via our courier.
Exchanges are treated as a return and new purchase. Please send us an email so we can hold stock of your desired item.

Charlotte Jacket

Catarina Jumper

Anne White Jumper

Anne Sand Jumper

Alexia Turtleneck